diffuseDiffuse property. Both color and map are supported. Color and map replace each other.
diffuseDiffuse delta map. The delta map modifies the diffuse color/map and typically has it's own mapping.
Format: 24 Bit (RGB)
The handling (for each channel/color) is:
0 sets the original value to 0. 127/128 keeps the original value. 255 doubles the original value.
emissionEmission color. No map supported
mappingDefault mapping, may be overridden by specific texture maps.
normalNormal map.
parametersOptional geometry-related parameters, to be resolved at client-side.
"DoNotRescale": Marks the material as not re-scaleable. Re-scaling can be applied for psychological reasons, for instance. Target type: Boolean
"Overlay": For alpha-map materials, tells the renderer that the associated geometry should be an overlay to other geometries at the same location. Target type: Boolean
IGXC Compatibility: Metamaterial parameters but without redundancy.
roughnessRoughness map.
roughnessRoughness delta map. The delta map modifies the roughness value/map and typically has it's own mapping.
Format: 8 Bit (Grayscale)
The handling is:
0 sets the original value to 0. 127/128 keeps the original value. 255 doubles the original value.
specularSpecular map. Both color and map are supported. The color (white if undefined) will be used as a factor to the map, if any.
taxonomyTaxonomy information according to docs/ig_Taxonomy
Generated using TypeDoc
Alpha value or map. Value and map replace each other. Values in the range 0.0 to 1.0. 0.0 is transparent, 1.0 is opaque. Map is grayscale. Black is transparent, white is opaque.