Interface Component

A 3D component that is used to model products. A product corresponds to a tree of Objects. Inside the tree, transforms are always inherited from parent to child and concatenated. Material Categories are inherited from parent to child, as long as the child does not have one.

IGXC Compatibility: Points and Categories are moved to the Product. Evaluator and Evaluator Parameters have been removed.


  • Component


deformation?: number

The optional attribute defines a deformation value in the range of 0 to 1, to be applied to the geometry. 0 means no deformation, 1 means full deformation. This setting has a higher priority, compared with the Deformation specified as Geometry Parameter in ig.Geometry.

geometry?: string

The optional attribute specifies a fully scoped geometry.

geometryParameters?: Record<string, string>

The optional attribute specifies additional parameters to be applied to the geometry.

interactor?: string

Optional attribute that assigns an interactor script to the object. Fully scoped name of an interactor class. The class must be provided by the scripts in the scene.

interactorParameters?: Record<string, string>

Optional attribute that provides further parameters for the created interactor.

layer?: string

The optional attribute defines a layer tag for this object.

mapping?: GeometryMapping

The optional attribute sets a mapping to be applied to the non-object bound UV set - typically, the UV set used for the material.

materialCategory?: string

The optional attribute sets a material category for the object and all children (recursively) that do not set one themselves.

options?: string[]

The optional attribute defines property ids that are linked to this object (and it's children). This information may be used for context- sensitive configuration.

path: string

The Path describes the tree structure. The root path "." is mandatory. First-level children may be "o1", "o2", "e1", and so on. Again, "o1.o1" is a child of "o1". And so on. The sequence of objects must be compatible to the correspnding tree defined by Path of these objects. So any parent must occur in the array before it's children, and so on.

selectable?: "Self" | "Parent" | "None"

The attribute controls if the object is selectable or--if not--what should happen then. Allowed values are: "Self", "Parent" (default) and "None" (see above for description).

default value = "Parent"

tags?: string[]

One or more symbolic id to identify a component at run-time. Unlike Path, a Tag is more robust and not biunique. Version: OC 1.1

transform?: Transform

The optional attribute specifies an offset to the parent. The parent's transform will always be concatenated with the child's one. The transform of root objects (Path: ".") will be ignored if existing!

visible?: boolean

The attribute controls the visibility of the object. If it is invisible, all children are invisible too (recusrively). If the attribute is unspecified in a JSON file, it is considered to be true!

default value = true

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