categoriesProduct categories for the client-side implementation of planning behavior. If Categories is not null, it entirely replaces the existing categories.
IGXC Compatibility: In IGXC, categories were considered from the structure's root entry. Now they can be updated, even if the structure does not change.
commercialCommercial data related to this product
The kind of the product. Possible values are: "Product" - a regular product "Set" - a set, typically without own graphical representation "Placeholder" - a placeholder product without commercial representation
masterMaster data related to this product Version: OC 1.3
materialThe mandatory attribute maps material categories to materials. Both, material categories and materials should be compatible with a three-level technical namespace. Implicit material categories consist of prefix '@' and a material, and should be included too, even if this is kind of redundant.
IGXC Compatibility: In IGXC this attribute was named Categories.
pointsAttachment points for the client-side creation of neighbor and parent-child relationships. If Points is not null, it entirely replaces the existing points.
IGXC Compatibility: In IGXC, points were considered from the structure's root entry. Now they can be updated, even if the structure does not change.
previewAn optional product preview image. Version: OC 1.2
stateOptional state information for a product. Even if the state object exists, not all attributes may be set. The state information always entirely updates an existing state information.
statusContains product related status information.
structureThe tree structure that describes the product in 3D. If the structure is not null, it entirely replaces the existing structure.
topAn optional product representation from top-view perspective. Version: OC 1.2
transformOptional world transform of the product representation. If the transform is not null, it entirely replaces the existing transform.
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An initial or incremental product representation.