Interface Product

An initial or incremental product representation.


  • Product


categories?: string[]

Product categories for the client-side implementation of planning behavior. If Categories is not null, it entirely replaces the existing categories.

IGXC Compatibility: In IGXC, categories were considered from the structure's root entry. Now they can be updated, even if the structure does not change.

commercial?: Commercial

Commercial data related to this product

kind: "Product" | "Set" | "Placeholder"

The kind of the product. Possible values are: "Product" - a regular product "Set" - a set, typically without own graphical representation "Placeholder" - a placeholder product without commercial representation

masterData?: MasterData

Master data related to this product Version: OC 1.3

materialCategories?: Record<string, string>

The mandatory attribute maps material categories to materials. Both, material categories and materials should be compatible with a three-level technical namespace. Implicit material categories consist of prefix '@' and a material, and should be included too, even if this is kind of redundant.

IGXC Compatibility: In IGXC this attribute was named Categories.

points?: AttachPoint[]

Attachment points for the client-side creation of neighbor and parent-child relationships. If Points is not null, it entirely replaces the existing points.

IGXC Compatibility: In IGXC, points were considered from the structure's root entry. Now they can be updated, even if the structure does not change.

preview?: Preview

An optional product preview image. Version: OC 1.2

state?: State

Optional state information for a product. Even if the state object exists, not all attributes may be set. The state information always entirely updates an existing state information.

status?: Status

Contains product related status information.

structure?: Component[]

The tree structure that describes the product in 3D. If the structure is not null, it entirely replaces the existing structure.

topView?: TopView

An optional product representation from top-view perspective. Version: OC 1.2

transform?: Transform

Optional world transform of the product representation. If the transform is not null, it entirely replaces the existing transform.

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